Questions & Answers

Oem remote suddenly won't function

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I have 2016 Legacy premium model. I've had the Evo-One for a while now, I have the FTX64 1way remote.

now my issue is FTX64 remotes works fine but both of my oem remotes suddenly stop working such as UNLOCK/LOCK /3x START FUNCTION,,,BUT it does start the car with the key..All of my remotes were working fine til yesterday that the oem keys stops working..please need asap,thank you
asked Mar 8, 2017 in Subaru by Edrice Iraola (1,090 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Verify that the red connector is fully inserted into the EVOONE module and verify the doorlock data connection to make sure it's not loose. You can also try to put back this connection together and see if this is your problem.
answered Mar 8, 2017 by Edrice Iraola (85,210 points)